Monday, November 9, 2009

A wonderful 13 weeks

ES2007 Group 8

As I sit at a nice cozy corner of West Coast MacDonalds, enjoying my cup of freshly brewed coffee and listening to the melodious melodies by Jason Maraz, beautiful memories continue to fill up my mind. While blogging is certainly not my cup of ‘coffee’, these 13 weeks of writing resumes and personal statements, jotting down comments on our ‘beloved’ NUS Wiki have certainly made me start pondering.

I must certainly thank the module coordinator for ES2007, Professional Communication, for introducing blogging as a mode of assessment. Otherwise, I would possibility not have owned any blog in my life. Through blogging, I have learnt to better organise my essay as concise and captivating as possible. While my blog entries might not be the most interesting, thought-provoking and flattery ones, I have made tremendous efforts penning down what I deem as the most appropriate and relevant.

Having been a very active student all my life, I have always spent my holidays either preparing for concerts or getting ready for competitions with my Victorian choirs. Hence, I have never known what documents are essential in a job-seeking process. It is only through this module that I have the opportunity to write a resume, cover letter and personal statements. The four weeks spent on designing surveys, writing a comprehensive and convincing proposal with the delivery of an oral presentation at the end of the month have certainly been very busy but satisfying. At this junction, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to Andrew and Bingfu for tolerating me throughout the whole course. I have really enjoyed working and teaming up with both of you. Thank you so much.

This course would certainly not been possible without the ever-enthusiastic Ms Lim Lay Hoon. Thanks for being so understanding and patient with me, entertaining all my difficult requests and complaints throughout the course. I really appreciate it. As much as there are some lessons and views that I do not fully agree with you, you have certainly offered me another perspective of looking at things. Thanks for all the quizzes and psychometric tests that you have gone through with us. They have certainly made the lessons more interesting and interactive.

Allow me to thank you guys individually. Without the feedback and active participation, this module would definitely not been so fun and enjoyable.

Audrey Pow: Thanks for sharing with me your knowledge on how to start a blog. I remembered emailing everyone at the start of the course, asking for help with the starting of a blog. Your prompt reply has allowed me to effectively get my first blog post up. The resume reviewing session has also allowed me to interact with you more. I really appreciate it.

Valencia: You looked very different without your spectacles.  Last Friday, when I walked into class, I was stunned and shocked to see a ‘new’ girl in class. It took me almost a minute before I recognize you. Although we seldom talk to each other in class, it has been nice having you around in class. Thanks.

Joanne: Hi friend thanks for being so supportive and giving very useful feedback throughout the whole course. You certainly have powerful vocal and have exhibited a lot of confidence in your presentation. Good job. Although my interaction with you has been limited to group discussions, it has been my pleasure knowing you.

Priscilla: Your bubbly nature has certainly brought a lot of joy to class discussions. You have often offered a different perspective of looking at issues and I have definitely benefited much from them. Your enthusiasm in engineering will spur you on as you continue your studies in NUS. All the best mate.

Ren Jie: Bro, thanks for sharing with us all your knowledge on interviews and resume writing. Your insightful pointers have definitely been useful. It has been nice talking to you. I wish you all the best the job-seeking process.

Yong Sheng: Your humorous remarks have definitely livened up the mood during lesson. Through the group sharing sessions and your blog entries, you have shown that you are very fun-loving and creative. It has been nice having you in class.

TS: Bro, you are one of the first few people I befriend in class. Thanks for your ever lively and entertaining remarks and comments. Like what I have told you on the bus, I always look forward to your sharing sessions and presentations because you never fail capture everyone’s attention whenever you speak. Keep up the good work.

JJ: Bro, you have been one of the most outspoken people in the class. Your enthusiasm has definitely made the class discussion more lively and entertaining. You have also been offering a good listening ear to your friends. Nice knowing you mate.

I wondered what's JJ and Audrey doing? Ermmm.....

JS: Hey mate, although you have been relatively quiet, I realized that you have been a very supportive group mate and have contributed very actively in class by picking out appropriate errors/mistakes during discussion. It has been nice having you around in class.

Aaron: Hey bro, thanks for your often thought-provoking and inspiring comments during lessons. You have been a very nice listener to everyone. Your cheerfulness has often livened up the class, especially on days when all of us are very tired. Thanks a lot.

Alvin: You have been a very calm and steady classmate. Although you can be very quiet at times, you have been very charismatic during oral presentations and I certainly looked forward to your sharing session each time.

Bingfu and Andrew: To my dearest ‘colleagues/partners of A&A’, I am deeply grateful to have you guys as my teammate. Thanks for tolerating my flaws and often last-minute work. Nonetheless, I think we made a good team in complementing each other. Thanks so much for the feedback and sharing sessions over the past 13 weeks. You guys were the first few people I met in the class and thanks for being such nice pals.

Let’s keep in contact after this module. May everyone have a wonderful preparation for this upcoming examination and to those who are graduating, happy job hunting. May everyone have a blessed reading week and stay healthy.


  1. Hi guys, I was half-way through the post on Tuesday morning.Was bus writing the thank you note and had taken a little too long. You guys have been great. Thanks so much for the wonderful experience.


  2. Yoz Alan,

    Thanks for putting the photos up! :D
    I shall 'steal' it.
    Anyway bro, I do hope that you can keep this blog going, though the course has ended, but through this blog, I can still find out how you are doing in life. :)

    All the best in everything! And hopefully one day I'll get to hear you sing :D

  3. Hey Bro,

    It's really very, extremely thoughtful of you to have written these little personalized notes for each and every one of us. Just to let you know that I greatly appreciate it, and I'm sure the rest do too. It brings warmth to our hearts, knowing that the thirteen weeks have made us so much more than just a class.

    I find it quite a pity that as fellow Liverpool fans, I didn't quite get to rattle things off with you. Or at least nothing really in-depth. Well, it's never too late, there are 38 matches a season and lots more trophies coming our way anyway.

    However, through these many unspoken words of gratitude, allow me to return the blessings that will take you through life's challenges and beyond. Exams come and go, but life's lessons remain within us for as long as we choose to remember them.

    You'll never walk alone.


  4. Hey MATE!

    I had just finished typing my comment when I scrolled up to look at the photos that you posted, clicked on it, and poof, went my comment. URGH! Now I dont know what to write cause I can never churn out something exactly the same. But I'll try.

    Well, I was saying you were really nice to write notes to everyone in class. *applauds*

    And it was entertaining to see you ask questions in class with the lollipop in your mouth. HAHA. And ya, I mentioned that I felt you are a person who does not fear making comments in class.

    I will just skip a few others and end this comment with "all the best for your exams" lest it gets too long. It had been great knowing you too! :)

    PS: I always thought you were one batch earlier than me. =p


  5. Ooh, shiny pictures. -snatches thema all-

    Thanks Gim Sen for your individual bit to me ;) My bubbly-ness has oft been seen as immaturity (I can get outright 'frothy') but really, I know no other way to be. So it's nice to know I do bring some joy at the very least ^^

    I find myself always surprised that you have not blogged before this. You have that natural ability to draw people in with your posts which I have often found meaningful.

    I'm glad I chose this module and picked this timeslot in particular or I wouldn't have met all of you at all.

    Best of luck GS (ha! another one to add to the team with PS, TS, JS and YS x3 lol)

    *Still can't imagine you singing x.X You could give a song for us tomorrow mayhaps? Let's hear that...bass? Sorry if you're a tenor, my memory's leaky. *is shot*


  6. Oh I have been waiting for those pictures! thanks for uploading it!

    Thanks alot Alan for your compliments! You are indeed my first few friends in this module too! Appreciate all your comments!

    next time if we can have a chance to meet up, I would invite you to try out my Illy's Americano!


  7. Hi alan,

    Its been great knowing you. Thanks for putting up individual comments for us. It was a nice gesture. You seem friendly when i first met you and it was a good start. It has been a journey through all those assignments. Anyway, Pardon me for my flaws for the presentation though. =) Wish you all the best for your exams and hall activities. See you around in School and in Sengkang too! Neighbour!


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Dear Alan,

    Your Chinese name is 锦森, right? Hope I get it correct! We can keep in touch, just add me in msn baa,

    Wish you all the best in the upcoming finals! =)

    Take care~

    by the way, his name is Jason Mraz~ ;)

